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Transportation and Economic Development

Livability and economic development are intertwined: livability draws businesses and businesses contribute to community quality of life through investments in the built environment, culture, and philanthropy. Businesses are choosing to locate in more accessible locations that combine transportation and housing choices, good schools, gathering places, and natural amenities.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury and individual governors have designated certain economically distressed communities as Opportunity Zones to spur economic development and job creation by encouraging long-term investment in low-income communities nationwide. Targeted transportation investments can improve access to jobs, education, shopping, and goods movement, while providing construction and operations jobs.

  • Author(s):
  • FHWA Economic Development Program
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Transportation and Economic Development
  • White Paper
Website:Visit Publisher Website
Publisher:Department of Transportation (DOT)
Published:September 1, 2020
License:Public Domain

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