The National Academy of Public Administration appointed a Panel of five expert Fellows to oversee and guide this study. The Academy examined the government-wide cybersecurity workforce development strategy and CISA’s strategy for developing the nation’s cybersecurity workforce and its partnership models. The study was informed through documentary research and interviews with experts at CISA, other Federal agencies, and experts in SLTT, industry, higher education, and other entities.
The approach presented in this report represents a call to action for the federal government. Coordinating various federal agencies’ cybersecurity workforce development programs into a coherent strategy should help operationalize workforce development resources across the government to minimize duplication of effort and focus the government’s limited resources and staff on areas where it will add the greatest value for the nation as a whole. The strategy’s success depends on strong and ongoing coordination between the executive branch and Congress.
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Website: | Visit Publisher Website |
Publisher: | National Academy of Public Administration |
Published: | February 1, 2022 |
License: | Public Domain |