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Digital Transformation – A Bit More Than Automation and Technology

Digital Transformation – A Bit More Than...

Digital tools have transformed how we live, work, and play. Public and private sector organizations are using high-tech tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cloud computing to remain…

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Achieving Zero-Trust Architecture: Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

Achieving Zero-Trust Architecture: Culture Eats...

The urgency of adopting recommendations to post cyber experts on boards cannot be overstated. As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity and sophistication, the need for informed and proactive…

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Do Price Deflators for High-Tech Goods Overstate Quality Change?

Do Price Deflators for High-Tech Goods Overstate...

Price indexes play a crucial role in distinguishing between inflation and real growth in national accounts. However, issues arise when quality changes complicate this measurement, especially with chained indexes over…

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Poverty in the United States: 2023

Poverty in the United States: 2023

The U.S. Census Bureau’s latest poverty estimates offer a dual perspective on economic wellbeing in America through the official poverty measure and the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM). While the official…

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The Demographic Outlook: 2024 to 2054

The Demographic Outlook: 2024 to 2054

The latest report from the Congressional Budget Office highlights key demographic shifts in the U.S. population and their potential impact on the economy and federal budget. Over the next 30…

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Availability and Use of Aircraft in the Army

Availability and Use of Aircraft in the Army

The Congressional Budget Office’s report provides a comprehensive analysis of U.S. Army aircraft availability and use from 2000 to 2023. Despite a decline in the total number of manned aircraft,…

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Driving Responsible Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Government

Driving Responsible Artificial Intelligence...

The Federal Government is poised to harness the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to modernize operations and improve public service delivery. A new memorandum directs agencies to strengthen their…

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A Data Protection Approach for Cloud-Native Applications

A Data Protection Approach for Cloud-Native...

In today’s fast-paced cloud-native environments, where data moves between different locations like on-premises systems and the cloud, securing it goes beyond just granting access. It’s about building a robust strategy…

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Digital Experience: Agency Compliance with Statutory Requirements

Digital Experience: Agency Compliance with...

Federal agencies have been working to improve their websites and digital services under the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act, which sets out requirements like accessibility, security, and mobile-friendliness. However,…

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Estimates of the Cost of Federal Credit Programs in 2025

Estimates of the Cost of Federal Credit Programs...

The federal government supports some private activities by offering credit assistance to individuals and businesses. That assistance is provided through direct loans and guarantees of loans made by private financial…

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Foreign Direct Investment in the United States

Foreign Direct Investment in the United States

Since 2006, the U.S. has led the world in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), drawing companies with its skilled workforce, innovation culture, and stable business environment. Foreign investments have played…

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Household Income in States and Metropolitan Areas: 2023

Household Income in States and Metropolitan Areas:...

This analysis highlights changes in household income and income inequality across the U.S. and Puerto Rico using data from the 2023 American Community Survey. It tracks median income trends from…

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Nowcasting Distributional National Accounts for the United States: A Machine Learning Approach

Nowcasting Distributional National Accounts for...

Income inequality estimates typically rely on microdata, but this paper presents a faster alternative using nowcasting, which estimates income distribution based on macroeconomic data from the National Income and Product…

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The S1000D IETP Data Analytics and Product Feedback

The S1000D IETP Data Analytics and Product Feedback

As artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics evolve, their role in product support and maintenance will only strengthen. This white paper emphasizes the importance of investing in these technologies, showing…

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USAID Digital Health Position Paper 2024-2029

USAID Digital Health Position Paper 2024-2029

The USAID Digital Health Position Paper (2024–2029) outlines a strategic vision to harness digital technologies for advancing global health and socio-economic development. Building on previous policies, the paper emphasizes six…

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