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MITRE U.S. Air Force Aircraft Inventory Study

The Office of the Secretary of Defense selected the MITRE Corporation to conduct an independent study of U.S. Air Force aircraft inventories through 2030, as directed by the Fiscal 2018 National Defense Authorization Act. The study primarily focused on the demands of sustained, high-intensity combat operations in the Indo-Pacific theater.

MITRE’s study analytically explored basing needs, threats to bases, mission requirements, and the aircraft needed to perform those missions.

Operational effectiveness is significantly impacted by basing and logistical support, especially when U.S. forces play an “away game” thousands of miles from the mainland U.S. Unsurprisingly, aircraft flying from bases closer to a combat zone can generate more combat power in a permissive environment, but they are also at far greater risk to enemy attack. Chinese and Russian anti-access/area denial capabilities are significant and will only become more lethal and plentiful by 2030.

  • Author(s):
  • Air Force Space Command
  • Mitre
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MITRE U.S. Air Force Aircraft Inventory Study
  • White Paper
Website:Visit Publisher Website
Publisher:Air Force Space Command
Published:September 1, 2019
License:Public Domain

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