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Hamas’s October 2023 Attack on Israel: The End of the Deterrence Strategy in Gaza

On Saturday, 7 October 2023, a horrific and well-planned attack reminiscent of al-Qaeda’s attack on 9/11 on the United States was executed by Hamas against Jewish settlements in southern Israel. This terrorist attack is expected to have far-reaching consequences for the region and for the threat landscape of the State of Israel.

Tragically, the results of this attack have led to the loss of more than 1,200 Israeli lives and left thousands more injured, including elderly, infants, toddlers, and many innocent citizens (among them Americans). Around 240 Israelis and foreign nationals, including Americans, were abducted and taken into the Gaza Strip. This devastating event marked one of the deadliest attacks on Jewish people since the Holocaust.

  • Author(s):
  • Dr. Omer Dostri
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Hamas’s October 2023 Attack on Israel: The End of the Deterrence Strategy in Gaza
  • White Paper
Website:Visit Publisher Website
Publisher:Army University Press
Published:November 7, 2023
License:Public Domain

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