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AI Innovation Concentration and the Governance Challenge

In view of the pace of technological change in the artificial intelligence (AI) sector, this paper considers leading AI-intensive innovator firms and the state of the regulatory environment in which they operate. A central concern is to examine the concentration of AI innovation and to consider factors in the regulatory environment that may support or hinder its responsible diffusion in line with applicable international norms.

In order to achieve broad welfare gains and global participation in the AI economy, stakeholders — producers, suppliers, consumers, researchers, regulators and others — will need a safe and trustworthy business environment that facilitates responsible access and technology diffusion

  • Author(s):
  • Douglas Lippoldt
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AI Innovation Concentration and the Governance Challenge
  • White Paper
Website:Visit Publisher Website
Publisher:Centre for International Governance Innovation
Published:April 16, 2024
License:Creative Commons
Copyright:© 2024 by the Centre for International Governance Innovation. The text of this work is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this licence, visit For reuse or distribution, please include this copyright notice. This work may contain content (including but not limited to graphics, charts and photographs) used or reproduced under licence or with permission from third parties. Permission to reproduce this content must be obtained from third parties directly.

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