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Quality Management content

X-ray Computed Tomography Flaw Phantom Development: Stepper Photolithography and Deep Reactive Ion Etching

X-ray Computed Tomography Flaw Phantom...

X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is a powerful tool for detecting flaws in advanced manufacturing. This study from NIST explores new methods to create precise defect artifacts using stepper photolithography and…

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Methodology of the USDA, Economic Research Service’s Agricultural Trade Multipliers

Methodology of the USDA, Economic Research...

The USDA Economic Research Service’s Agricultural Trade Multipliers (ATMs) offer a detailed look into how U.S. agricultural exports support economic output and job creation. By using a revamped program and…

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The STEM Labor Force: Scientists, Engineers, and Skilled Technical Workers

The STEM Labor Force: Scientists, Engineers, and...

To remain competitive in today’s global economy, businesses and societies rely on contributions from the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce. This report provides an overview of the STEM…

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We implemented Jira Service Management – Now what?

We implemented Jira Service Management – Now what?

Freshly implementing Jira Service Management (JSM) for your agency is simply the beginning of unlocking additional, unrealized business value from your teams. The practical steps provided here can spur additional…

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